Is it ok to miss home while you are in college? YES.
Recently, I heard that November brings homesickness on for lots of people. I am here to tell anyone - freshmen in college, seniors in college, people who are “adults”(AH scary). That this is so normal. I am a sophomore and I still miss home so much some days. I miss the slow southern nature. I miss waking up to the smell of coffee. I miss the forced hugs from my parents. I miss the mass amounts of dog hair. I miss the silly bickering. I miss the comfort of my living room. Most of all, I miss the love.
Home is truly where you are loved. I am loved here at SLU don’t get me wrong, but it’s different. I love SLU and I love the community that I have built here, but home love and college love is different. It is ok to admit that and it is ok to miss home or to not!! .
In all, when I miss home and that comfort and that warmth, I go take a little visit to my main man Jesus. I have this very odd desire from time to time to just be with the Eucharist. It’s been happening quite frequently and I can’t pin point it. My mom says that anytime she is wondering where I am and not answering the phone her students often remind her that I am probably in adoration, which is most the time true. Then it hit me this morning as I was craving that feeling of home. The Lord is my ultimate home. The Lord is my ultimate comfort. The Lord is my ultimate love.
If you are feeling a little homesick or a little lost in the season you are in, you are going to be ok. Take it to the Lord and be with Him. Let Him comfort you. Let Him love you. Let Him bring you home.