Happy Ash Wednesday!! I know every year I struggle figuring out what I am going to do to best glorify God during this time of Lent. From talking to some of my friends here at SLU, people are aching to find something to truly help them pursue Christ. I wanted to hop on here and explain some things I and some of my friends have done in the past that have wholly enhanced our Lent experience and helped us best prepare for Easter!!!
54 day Rosary Novena - This is a little more than 40 days, but is very fruitful!! In this, you pray for 27 days with a petition in mind. Then, you offer up prayers of gratitude for the next 27 days regardless of how that prayer was answered. You can find my experience with this here - https://savvyrhea.wixsite.com/deovolente/post/christ-in-the-chaos
33 days to Morning Glory or 33 days to Merciful Love - These are consecration to Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Perhaps you need a focus during this lenten season or a way to grow in closer devotion to something! I have done both of these and it continues to lead me to so many gifts!
Dedicate 10 minutes of silence to our Lord everyday - I know I am so guilty of asking and asking and asking, but I rarely let the Lord answer. Give Him this time to just rest in you.
Do a daily examen - This can be so helpful if you are in a season of discernment. In my experience of doing this, I have truly been able to recognize the movements that God is creating in my heart.
Go to daily mass - It is SO wonderful to be able to be a living tabernacle daily. I cannot even begin to explain the joy I have received from receiving our Lord daily.
Make a Holy Hour once a week - I am a BIG advocate for adoration. This is just such a beautiful way to rest in our Lord’s presence and love Him and let Him love you.
Do not get on your phone in people’s presence - The Lord has placed some incredible gifts in front of you in the ordinary and in the people you are around. Recognize those gifts during this lenten season!!
Fasting from your phone in general - Set a time limit for how much you go on your phone a day
Unnecessary Purchases - The Lord and your bank account will love you for this one. I have been fasting from unnecessary purchases for about 50 days and it has helped me grow in simplicity, detach from worldly goods, and grow in gratitude.
Gossip - Oh man. If you know me, you know that this has been a big downfall of mine in the past and the present. Gossip creates a false sense of wisdom, but also prevents you from fully loving God’s children.
Anything that can be keeping you from gaining a deeper relationship with the Lord - truly reflect on this and see what might be a roadblock in your life.
Keep water bottles and snacks in your car for those who are experiencing homelessness - One of my good friends, Claire Brennecke, does this and it has been such an inspiration to me. I know that I have been unsure how to react when I am at a light and someone is asking for money. This is a great way to love them. It is these little acts with great love that we can show Christ to others.
Start placing just $1 in the donation basket each mass - I am in college and am not made of money, so almsgiving and the collection basket at mass is an awkward task for me. Yet, I do have at least $1 to give every Sunday.
Serve!! - Our brothers and sisters need you!!! I have been doing continuous service for a few years now. The Lord has really provided places for me to give my gifts and receive fruits.
Doing it all in one!
A Dating Fast - I know. This might sound odd, but it is not. I promise!! You basically date Christ for 40 days. His love will forever fulfill you more than any other human’s love, so open up your heart and let Him love you. Last year for Lent, I went on a dating fast. It really purified the intentions of my heart and helped me to grow in emotional virtue. Here are a few places that explain this more - https://www.instagram.com/p/B9ANTMKo2y6/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet https://focusoncampus.org/content/so-you-wanna-go-on-a-dating-fast
An affirmation jar - I have done this for the past 4 years and I am super sad that I am not again this year. The way it works is I cut up pieces of paper and put the name of contacts in my phone, facebook friends, instagram followers, etc. I put all of those in a jar and I would choose one name daily to affirm, pray for, or do an act of service for. Depending on who it was, I would send a quick text saying, “Hello!!! This year for lent I am mixing things up a bit. I put hundreds on names in a jar and everyday I am going to pick one out to pray for. You got pulled today :) (insert affirmation) If there is anything specific you want me to pray for, let me know!” This was such a joy to do everyday and I feel like it really helped me to best serve God during that time of my life.
Fiat - I have been doing a little something called fiat 90 for the past 50 days. This is helping me to glorify God in my mind, body, and spirit. It has been a challenge, but has ultimately helped me grow in simplicity, intentionality, and surrender. Personally, I do not practice some of the things with fiat, because I think it would hinder my relationship with God. I encourage you to do pray on this in the same. Here is the link - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iGXgT5SqVotjmBvJav6ZR2CwGcFJk7nF/view?usp=drivesdk
I hope that some of these can help you during this season!! I highly encourage you to pray over whatever you are planning on doing. Allow God to guide your heart during this time to the ways in which you need Him and He needs you. Lent is not meant to make you miserable or to boast about what we are/are not doing. It is about meeting God in these sacrifices, because He gave us the ultimate sacrifice. It is about intentionally growing in love with our Savior. Allow your soul to prepare the way for the Lord this Lent.